You are here: Policies and Procedures > Partnership with Parents
The nursery has a Participation Strategy which has been designed to further promote and establish links with parents and carers to provide opportunities for parents and carers to participate in a variety of learning activities with their child and for themselves.
The nursery produces regular newsletters, full of information about future events and news within nursery life as well as daily/weekly news flashes on the flip chart in reception. As a staff group we like to keep parents informed of their child’s progress, and we meet with each individual parent, twice a year as well as on a daily basis.
It is hoped that parents will become active participants in the life of Parkhead Nursery and be involved whenever possible in working with the nursery team, in enhancing and promoting the children’s development and learning.
Effective and genuine working relationships between parents are viewed as being crucial in supporting children.
Parent’s views are sought in a variety of ways and for a variety of purposes. Nikki and the team will be delighted to hear directly from the parents, any ideas that could develop, shape and improve the Nursery as an educational and community resource.
We are continuing to set up a parents group and we would welcome any new parents with open arms to provide you with an opportunity to participate in a meaningful way in the development of the nursery. This is an excellent forum for parents to discuss a range of items with Nikki. If you are interested in becoming involved we have a coffee morning/afternoon every term.
Families should feel free to come into the playroom to see what activities their children are engaged in at any time – we operate an open door policy which means that parents are welcome at any time.
We aim to identify specific interest/skills which parents may be interested in sharing with children and staff. We very much value the support from the parents. At the start of the session parents will be asked if there are particular activities they would enjoy participating in.
Our Family Worker Frances Crerar is also available Monday and Tuesday in our family room. Frances also offers numerous courses and workshops weekly.