Febuary Mid-term break
Friday 7th Feb (in-service day Nursery Cloased to all Children)
Monday 10th Feb (Nursery Closed to term time Children)
Tuesday 11th Feb (Nursery Closed to term time Children)
Wednesday 12th Feb (In-service day Nursery closed to all children)
April Spring Holidays
Monday 6th April (Nursery Closed to term time Children)
Good Friday 10th April (Nursery Closed to all Children)
Easter Monday 13th April (Nursery Cloased to all Children)
Monday 20th April (Nursery Open to term time Children)
Friday 8th May (Nursery Closed to all Children
Monday 11th May (Nursery Closed to all Children In-service)
Friday 22nd - Monday 25th May (Nursery Closed to all Children)
Thursday 25th June (Nursery Closed to term time Children)
Wednesday 12th August (In-service day Nursery Claosed to all Children)
Thursday 13th August (Nursery open to all Children)