You are here: Policies and Procedures > Strong Links
The nursery is very fortunate in having strong links with the following agencies:
- · Bridgeton Child Development Centre
- · Parkhead & Shettleston Health Centres
- · Eastbank Learning Community Child Support Team
Within these agencies the nursery has access to Physiotherapists, Speech Therapists, Health Visitors & Educational Psychologists without whom we could not provide specialised support for both parents/carers and children.
The nursery Psychologist is Sandra Gardner; who offers support and guidance to staff, parents, carers and children.
No child will be referred to any of the above without parents consent.
Triple P parental sessions
The nursery is able to facilitate Triple P workshops for all our parents providing you with strategies to cope with a variety of child behaviours.
It consists of weekly sessions followed by support meetings and phone calls. The work shops allow parents to discuss and share their thoughts.
If you would like more information on this issue please ask Nikki for further details.
If you would like further information on any behavioural issue, please speak to Nikki as the nursery offers Triple P workshops. All staff delivers the Triple P strategies and work to the principals of Triple P and Nurture.
We also welcome your views on the management of challenging behaviour and will ensure these are reflected in our policy.