Outdoor Play
As you are aware outdoor play is a big part of your child’s day at nursery. With the weather changing we ask that all children come to nursery with a hat, gloves and scarf and where possible leave these with your child’s keyworker.
Nursery outdoor jackets are available in our Jelly Tot and Jelly Beans room however we do not have a supply of outdoor jackets/ snowsuits for our baby room. I would kindly ask that all our babies have suitable outdoor jackets/snowsuits in order to access outdoor play appropriately.
Wellington boots
All children have daily access to our muddy garden we have a limited amount of nursery wellie boots. We would advise for the comfort of your child that every child brings their own pair off wellies in to be left at their peg in 3-5 or group box in 2-3 room and left at your child's peg in the baby room.
Thank you for your co-operation